Smacky's Guide To Combat Tactics & Survival, Section 1: Mobiquette -- to fight is your right but be polite

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The problem

Combat is the focus of the game -- it's the primary (and often only) way to gain experience, items, and money, and complete quests.

So you have to kill mobs (if you don't they have no qualms about killing you).

But Daimonin is a massively multiplayer game. At the time of writing this means that there may be 60 or more other players online also trying to kill mobs.

The solution

The potential for conflict is obvious. However, many problems can be avoided by observing the few common sense guidelines detailed in this section.

Also in this section

Section 1-1: Pardon Me, Friend, But Is That Mob Taken?

With many players training in close proximity to one another it is good practice to sort out claims before you begin combat.

Section 1-2: Killstealing

Deliberately killing a mob which someone else was fighting is generally considered extremely rude.

Section 1-3: Luring

Causing a mob to attack another player may or may not be tolerated, depending on circumstances.

Section 1-4: Storming

Many players have items which cast an ice- or firestorm spell. These should be used with care!

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Last modified: 2006-05-23T07:54:58.638+01:00