Smacky's Guide To Communication, Index


Short introduction covering all the following sections in overview.

Section 1: Speaking publically to players and NPCs nearby -- saying

Such as asking NPCs for specific services and general chit-chat with other players in the immediate area.

Section 2: Speaking privately to NPCs nearby -- talking

Such as discussing quests with NPCs -- NOT IMPLEMENTED IN B3.

Section 3: Communicating non-verbally with players nearby -- emoting

Such as gesturing to, performing inconsequential actions on, and generally having a laugh with your fellow players.

Section 4: Speaking publically to all players currently online -- shouting

Such as holding a public auction or asking for help.

Section 5: Speaking privately to individual players currently online -- telling and replying

Such as arranging to meet a player somewhere, somewhen or exchanging information that is inappropriate to be public knowledge.

Section 6: Speaking privately to all players currently online within your group -- group saying

Such as co-ordinating tactics or calling for back-up -- NOT IMPLEMENTED IN B3.

Appendix A: Speaking to other players via Cherbot -- mail and clan chat

Cherbot is a bot providing a range of unofficial functions, including clan chat and in-game mail.

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Last modified: 2006-05-23T07:54:55.233+01:00