Smacky's Guide To Communication, Overview

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Communication takes place in the two text windows. In fact, these windows report more than just what has been said, but that is dealt with elsewhere in Smacky's Guides.

Here, suffice to say, the top window is for global messages and communication between players, and the bottom window is for local messages and communication between players and with NPCs.

[NOTE] You can scroll either textwindow with the meta commands"?M_PAGEUP_TOP" / "?M_PAGEDOWN_TOP" for the top window and "?M_PAGEUP" / "?M_PAGEDOWN" for the bottom window (INSERT / DELETE and PAGEUP / PAGEDOWN by default).


The meta command"?M_MCON" can be used to send a partial game command to the console, leaving the console active so you can complete the text.

An example should make it clear: bind a key to the macro "?M_MCON/shout ". Now when you press that key you will enter the console and the text "/shout " appears automatically. The console remains open so you can type in the message.

[NOTE] You can do this with any game command but it makes most sense to do it with the communication commands.

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Speaking publically to players and NPCs nearby

You will often want to say something to the players in your immediate area. This may be general chat, negotiating over training rights, making a humourous obsevation, etc., etc.

Similarly, you will often want to speak with a nearby NPC. This may be to get information or to ask them to perform a specific service.

Speaking publically to players and NPCs nearby is detailed in "Section 1: Speaking publically to players and NPCs nearby -- saying".

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Speaking privately to NPCs nearby

Some NPCs will offer quests. There is a separate interface for conversing with NPCs about quests and rewards.

Speaking privately to NPCs nearby is detailed in "Section 2: Speaking privately to NPCs nearby -- talking".

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Communicating non-verbally with players nearby

It's surprising just how much control over their own bodily functions Daimonin characters have. Naturally, this control can be used to comedic effect.

Communicating non-verbally with players nearby is detailed in "Section 3: Communicating non-verbally with players nearby -- emoting".

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Speaking publically to all players currently online

Daimonin is as much about communication with other humans as it is about changing the configuration of pixels on the screen.

Speaking publically to all players currently online is detailed in "Section 4: Speaking publically to all players currently online -- shouting".

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Speaking privately to individual players currently online

Not everything needs to be heard by everyone.

Speaking privately to individual players currently online is detailed in "Section 5: Speaking privately to individual players currently online -- telling and replying".

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Speaking privately to all players currently online within your group

There will often be times when you want to share information only with your close friends and allies.

Speaking privately to all players currently online within your group is detailed in "Section 6: Speaking privately to all players currently online within your group -- group saying".

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Speaking to other players via Cherbot

Cherbot is an authorised bot found only on Server Daimonin. He is unofficial but much-loved. He provides features which augment the official communication commands.

Speaking to other players via Cherbot is detailed in "Appendix A: Speaking to other players via Cherbot -- mail and clan chat".

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Last modified: 2006-05-23T07:54:55.325+01:00